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Interaction Design In The Chinese Shadow Puppet Art For Digital Cultural Heritage - QIN Jingyan, YANG Xiao
글쓴이 detra 날 짜 2007-12-26
첨부파일 39QIN Jingyan.pdf
내용 Interaction Design In The Chinese Shadow Puppet Art For Digital Cultural Heritage - QIN Jingyan, YANG Xiao 




Ⅱ.Analysis of Interaction Design 

Ⅲ.The Design Way for Digital Cultural Heritage 

Ⅳ. The Case Study – Interaction Design for Chinese Shadow Puppet Art 

1. Concept and Scenario 

2. Visual Design and Characters Collection 

3. Technology Support and Program Development for Usability and User Experience 

4. Feedback and Assessment 

Ⅴ. Summary