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마케팅도구로서의 포장디자인/40-52
글쓴이 문수근 날 짜 2006-03-01 12:47:11
첨부파일 마케팅도구로서의 포장디자인-문수근.pdf
내용 마케팅도구로서의 포장디자인/ 

Essentially, package is a field that came into 
being to wrap up and protect products today, the 
development of package produced the discovery 
and thedevelopment of materials of package and a 
lot of techniques for protection 
and safety of products and package is being studied 
That is to say, this vision that people look upon the 
correlation of products and package only as sealing 
and protecting has continued 10ng in existence. 
Modern package means not on1y this physica1 
function but also up to sa1es promotion and 
advertising funtion , espectally in the 
know1edge_information society like today, 
qualitative desire of consumers, so with the 
techno1ogy and the products which are equalized, 
we can’t win in a hot competition. 
In these circumstances, the ro1e of package design 
is a field that has the strongest intangib1e added 
va1ue which an enterprise and a consumer ho1d in 
common. But if package is prescribed as a 
composing factor which has an influence on all 
fie1ds of sales promotion, circu1ation and price, 
package can satisfy both a consumer and an 
enterprise necessari1y on1y by a marketing activity. 
In the end, prescribing the marketing activity of 
the package design lies in communicating the exact 
information or image about products, which 
consists in persuading a consumer about the 
products and making him remember. 
Besides, only the package of design which has the 
design strategy containing decisive suitabillty can 
p1ay the ro1e to decide the 1ength of life and the 
position of the product. 
Therefore, this study is planned to get the ground 
of the creative thought which can come close to a 
target market on1y through a very effective 
on identity, image and function of the package as a 
marketing tool. 
And the establishment of the strategy and the 
fulfillment of the package design depend on an 
intellectua1 designer who has creative thought even 
though he doesn’t know throughly mutua1 
know1edge with a person in charge of marketing 
and a sup erγision , he must respect them and do his 
best in not on1y the establishment of the strategy 
and the fulfillment of the package design but a1so 
the whole rouge of marketing. 
Package Design 
Marketing Tool