◈ 논문열람
커뮤니케이션으로서의 포장디자인/68-82 | |||
글쓴이 | 문수근 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 12:51:14 |
첨부파일 | 커뮤니케이션으로서의 포장디자인-문수근.pdf | ||
내용 | 커뮤니케이션으로서의 포장디자인 문수근 서울산업대학교 ------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT Every consumer‘ purchaser and buyer as we11 as a company and a producer has ho1ded the advanced techno1ogy and skills of a company in common in the society of information 1ike today. 80, we are at the point of time When the new concept of funtion of a package design needs to be adjusted to a consumer. a producer and a businessman who circu1ates in the state of things of equalized techno1ogy. various good of a company and keen competition of a 10t of goods form a11 parts of the world. This is why The package design is accepted as the value of a powerfu1 medium which satisfies a11 sorts of circumstances and desires in present. The modern package design is important as not on1y the protection of a product but a1so the sales tactics of a product. The prob1em to decide a customer' s interest and mind among the products the same kind i. e. the problem of the package as communication is the problem of the package as communication is the right problem to achieve the purpose of a successful sa1e ,. The essence of making people feel a mental and physical response comes from the subtle difference of communication, which is an essential element of the package to influence a marketing greatly. These days , the package design to satisfy a diversified and characteristic consumer' s desire should make a study of the protection of visual communication going beyond the fundamental faculty of the protection of a product. The quality of the material of a package or the form and the structure of a package and the co1or of a package. Etc among the e1ements of a package design which have an abso1ute effect on communication , are the powerful and arranged messages to intend to te11 a diverse and fussy customer. In concl usion , the package design as communication is the complicated co11ection of the symbols. (Whether they are graphics or not) Which interact with a consumer' s intricate mental process 80, 1 believe that the communication of each consumer and a package design would become the successful package design as communication only through the sufficient knowledge and wellgrounded database about the most essentia1 elements which are accomplished by a reciproca1 action. Keyword Package Design Communication |