◈ 논문열람
그린마케팅 공고의 표현 크리에이티브에 관한 연구/248-260 | |||
글쓴이 | 조윤아 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 12:56:20 |
첨부파일 | 그린마케팅광고의 표현 크리에이티비티에 관한 연구-조윤아.pdf | ||
내용 | 그린마케팅 공고의 표현 크리에이티브에 관한 연구 조윤아 조선대학교 ----------------------------------------- Abstract We a re living in a rap idl y c h anging industr ia l and information-centered society. People that who live in that society have different sense of va lue and they p a rti c ipate in cr iticizing their society enthusiast ically. He r e , the in ternal and spir itual value has b een more pursued than the material value. Also. the issues of the environment h a ve attracted more a ttentions from the public. It is thought tha t th e r es tora t ion of th e d a mage d environment have connected with politics , conomics and society . 80 , it is expected that the issues of th e en vironment will take the leadership of a nd infl u e n cing on forming a new order of the world in this country. Advertisement worked as a general means of marketing strategy used by indus tries. It was just one o[ the communication media. Now, delivering green massages is a more urgent matter of a dvertisemen t. Most of a d vertisement in this coun try inc lin ed toward h ea dlines and copies instead o[ visual a ppeals . "Green" concept was used as a prompter for more sales by industri es . This s t ud y has a focus on v isua l pr ese nt at i on of g r ee n mar k e ting a dvertisemen t. Creative green ma rketing a dvertisement can break the limit of visua l field. It is suggested that unique green massages should b e deliver ed in visual presentation . The primary suggestion of green ma rketing advertisement is that p e opl e and the environment should be protected |