◈ 논문열람
Visual Communication Design과 추상형태/136-151 | |||
글쓴이 | 김형주 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 12:55:03 |
첨부파일 | Visual Communication Design과 추상형태-김형주.pdf | ||
내용 | Visual Communication Design과 추상형태 김형주 대구미래대학 ----------------------------------------- Abstract A Study on the Correlativity between a Frontier Spirit of lndustria l Designers and National Competitiveness Under what economic circumstances are we at present? lt is too shocking a ch ance to ascribe its cause to merely by accid en t' . Who can have imagin ed being forced to be supported by I. M. F. just on the eve of the age of the n a tional a nn ual income per cap i ta $ 10.000 . the number of cars 10.000.000. and the number of houses 10.000.000? The h ands of a c lock in Korean history has been turned ten years backwards. For the past six months of I. M.F. system our everyday life h as be en co mpl etely c h anged. Our li ving standard h as b ecome t hat of ten years ago just as a reel of fi lm is [orced to be rewound speedily. A s imple dream of the age of the natio n a l annual income per capita $ 10 .000 h as in a moment b een transformed into a disa ppointing dream of the age of $ 6.000. the level a t the end of the eighties. What with mass unemployment . high prices of commodit ies. salary reduction and slump in prices o[ houses . national assets has dwindled just as it has thawed. Accordingly. such myths as full employmen t. lif e long jobs and r eal es ta te myth. b yproducts of hi gh- d egree growth have disappeared. lf we should fail in restructuring government and industr ies. it wiII result in: unchangeable nationa l annua l income per capita $ 5. 000. economic growth rate minus or 1 % level. high prices of commodities incr eas ing by more than 5%. high unemployment rate 7% or so. lf we fail in or delay our restructuring them. it is hard f or us to look on the brigh ter side of our economic situations. It is reported that we have been suffering from the wo rs t economic crisis after Korean Wa r. that is we are now leading our lives supported by I. M.F. In consequence. the purpose of this study is to pr esen t some ways to reinf orce national competitiven ess d erived from a frontier spirit of industria l design pioneers. whi ch 1 b e li eve can be the Wisdom o[ Solomon' wi th wh ich we can ti d e over national economic crisis and survi ve the cold wave . Besides. at present wh en we are b eing suppo rted by I. M. F.. this study in pursuit o[ beauty from the smalI' trying to think small. not big. is intended to present some ways as a philosophy of design so as to overcome the tide of being forced to be supported by I. M. F Th e fo ll owings are demonstrated according to the purpose of t h is study: First. as fa r as historical backgrounds of industrial design and pioneers' frontier spirit are concerned. they are analyzed focusing on how the United States of America tided over international economic panics occurring in the twenties. Second. as far as the pursuit of the turning point of industrial design is con cerned . th ey are thoroughly inv est igated and a nal yzed centering around the standpoints of ergonomics and ecology of industrial design Third. In other to inspire self-confidence of we- can- do - i t k ee ping i t in mind tha t national competitiveness wholly depends upon d esign. 1 would like to emphasize the importance of industrial design attaching importance to the settlement of the questions. Why does national economy or existence of enterprises depend on design? Why do we have to compete with oth er countries in design? |
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