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전문대학 산업디자인학과 특성화를 위한 학제적 연구/104-119
글쓴이 김영식,이재호 날 짜 2006-03-01 12:54:37
첨부파일 전문대학 산업디자인학과 특성화를 위한 학제적 연구-김영식 이재호.pdf
내용 전문대학 산업디자인학과 특성화를 위한 학제적 

김영식 ·이재호 
경북도립 경도대학 
A study on school system for a special 
quality of industrial design colleges. 
Abou t 50 years h ave passed since the 
industrial Design was established in Korea. 
During this period , if s c raft and design 
have played an important role enlarging the 
national co mpetitive abi lit y a nd in 
developing the people' s lives. 
The important of Industria l Design and 
its education is in c r eas ing day by day 
because it can be a new basic foundation 
in n ational industry in order to become the 
central nation of the world in 21 th century 
Especially the education of Industria l 
Design in junior college has taken a central 
part in extending the enterprise and the 
nation. But now, the education of lndustrial 
Design is no t playing i ts proper role on 
account of some cau ses . the insufficient 
demand , the non- eff i c ient e ducational 
system , the absence , of future - h eaded 
education etc 
Th e refore th is study wi ll propose a 
sci ent ific and systematic method for the 
proper education of lndustrial Design and 
for creating s uffi cient demand in industrial 