◈ 논문열람
옥외광고가 도시환경에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구/36-47 | |||
글쓴이 | 임태윤,강경봉 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 12:53:50 |
첨부파일 | 옥외광고가 도시환경에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구-임태윤 강경봉.pdf | ||
내용 | 옥외광고가 도시환경에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 임태윤 경 남대학교 강경봉 마산대학 --------------------------------------------------- Abstract Nowadays our society is ra pidly developing as our economy is expanding giving us never ending challenges to meet. More attention is being given to the outdoor a d ve r t ising war in our cities. Outdoor advertising clashes with the beauty of our c i t ies and landsca p es and is combined with industry as it is the basic source of information . We all know that advertising is the best form of communication es pecially for attracting interest in commercial goods, but a dvertising should also be used as it is a powerful weapon to give us more information to c r ea t e a better lif esty le and safer environment for us al l. Unlike some for eign co unti es whose approach to advertising seems organised and sensible, we are flooded with unplanned slgns. Our outdoor adver t ising is not specia lized a nd occurs in eve ry street and many buildings making citizens confused by the visual effects of some s igns First of a ll the are numerous adve r ts produced by people who do not know the basic theory to advertising. It is withou t question a specialized subjec t. These are no regulations to advertising or no laws and no governing body. A business owners ma in concern is profit, theref ore h e uses advertising to a ttract custom without thinking about the eff ects to th e environmen t , but just to beat his competitors. The desire to achieve targets in sales using advertising by t h e unsp ec ialized ma jority is creating the probl~m . Our ability to market products internationally relies on effective advertising. Our approach needs support f rom specialized prof essionals to achieve a move scientific and organised d esign so as to be in the f oreground in world sales. The objective of this thesis on outdoor advertising is to demonstrate the requirement to use professional agencies to create specialized adverts in which the government, client and agency a ll have the same a ims. 1 believe that our a dve rtising must be versatile enough not only to market products but have h armonization with our cities and environment. Future studies into our lives a n d the way we live must include our approach to advertising |