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광고효과를 넓혀주는 David Ovilvy의 Brand Image에 관한 연구/129-140 | |||
글쓴이 | 최귀영 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 13:06:25 |
첨부파일 | 광고효과를 넓혀주는 David Ogilvy의 brand Image에 關한 - 최귀영.pdf | ||
내용 | 광고효과를 넓혀주는 David Ovilvy의 Brand Image에 관한 연구 최 귀 영 서울산업대학교 ------------------------------------- Abstract A Study on David Ogilvy’ s Brand Image Enlarging Effectiveness of Advertising It was David Ogilvy who was t h e first deviser of brand image . TIME once spoke hi g hl y of him r e f e rring to him as a magician in the a dvertising a rena’ , and AD AGE put a high val ue on him as a king of creativity'. What reasons did he have for his reputa tion? The reason for his fame was that he was the first contri ve r of brand im age e nhancing e f fect iveness of advert ising. Og il vy estab li s h ed Ogil vy. Benson & Mather Ad ve r t is ing Agency in 1949 and turned out numerous and various a d ve r t is in g. a nd b ecame the a uthor demonstra ting that a dver t ising enabled the United States of America to enjoy liberty and wealth. Here we can find the reason wh y a dve rtising is represe n ted to be the flower of capita lism'. He , as a copywriter as we ll as the own e r of an a d ve r t isi ng agency and an advertising creative director e nl arged e ff ec ti ve n ess of advert is ing , to begin with , by th e a dve rtisement of RollsRoyce , “ At 60 miles a n h our the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock." and by tak ing pleasure in the use of the technique called Story AppeaJ' visuals are to implicate some sort of story. and consumers read copies in order to grasp the meaning. ’ To cite an exampl e, th ere used to be th e a dver tisement 0 1' Hath a way Shirt in w hi ch Ogilvy distinguished himself. Th e objec ts a d ve r t is in g a im s at and persuades a re consumers in the end . In other to be one of the fir st- rate coun t ries in the world ‘ before a n ything e lse . our own en te rprises must be ma de to count among the f irst- c lass ones in th e global v illage . Firs t- rate en te rprises and p roducts a re to a ppear on the world markets equipped with adve rti s ing strategies corres ponding with their ra nking. Og il vy’ s brand image is su rnamed an a d ve r t is ing t h eo ry cente rin g a round consumers . At that time. brand image was ‘the New Con tinent of Advertising’ . What a s urpri s ing fact it is that con sume rs can have the oth er reason to ge t a can of coke. not to speak of one reason to quen ch their thirsts! A marvelous contrivance of a t ie• in sa l e o f image a lon g w ith a pac k of c iga r e ttes was made use o f by Og il vy , merely for which Ogilvy’ s brand image is loo ked upon as being worth while to be invest iga ted over a long period , not as a classic of advertising. In consequence, centering around Ogilvy’ S brand image that has enla rged advertising e ff ect iveness by means of a n a dvertising th eory which can eq uip d esigners with un ique creat ivity in the fie ld of visua I d esign - mainly advert is ing design , the purpose of th is study is to thorough ly ana lyze a nd investigat e 1) Brand 다 2) Positioning , 2) Brand Identity Program ;Consistency and 3) Personaliti es for Brand Image |