◈ 논문열람
기호와 의미작용과 표현 분석/85-93 | |||
글쓴이 | 임성환 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 13:05:42 |
첨부파일 | 記號의 意味作用과 表現分析 - 임성환.pdf | ||
내용 | 기호와 의미작용과 표현 분석 임 성 환 경원전문대학 -------------------------------------------- Abstract After 1970s sales have been fo cused in the sense that sellers deli ver the products as specia l meanings whi ch refl ect their distinctive features ra ther than they sell the products whi ch only show th eir physical t ra its . This cha nge has been r esulted fr om th e b ette r und e rsta nd ing of ma rk e tin g ma nage men t , emph as is on th e impo r tance of the adve r t is ing messages , and a pp ea r a n ce of new divers ifi ed sc ient ifi c a dvertising ma rketing techniques. Theref ore the semiot ics in the a dvert isemen t is very useful a rea of commun ication , because we can analyze th e culture of consume rs. th e b e ha vio r of consumers and the meaning whi ch lies in the products and advertisement and a lso because it creates new meaning ac ti vely. With th is h ypothesis the main discourse will show the common meaning of the s igns which is c r ea t ed t hr o u gh b oth o f t h e n at ur a l a nd a rtificia l images, the fu nctions and roles of the s igns wh ich de liver messages th rough media , a n a lys is o f th eir influ e n ce in te rm s of psychological stimul us , tracking the continuous relations between the s igns and reason , and rhe logical background whi ch will help us to produce eff ective a clver tis ing messages based on the clata obtainecl Accorclingly we could measure the effect that the signs in f] uence upon the people’ s psychology a ncl the process of th inking a ncl we coulcl search the cha racte ristic of signs in group as a common meaning. With the proper usage of s igns we a:lso co ulcl f ind the poss ibili ty that the effect of delivering messages can be maximi ze cl. |
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