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Industrial Design 선구자들의 개척정신과 국가 경쟁력의 상관성에 관한 연구/42-53
글쓴이 김경훈,최귀영 날 짜 2006-03-01 13:05:05
첨부파일 인더스트리얼디자인 先騙者들의 - 김경훈 최귀영.pdf
내용 Industrial Design 선구자들의 개척정신과 국가 경쟁력의 상관성에 관한 연구 

김 경 훈 최 귀 영 
A Study on t he Corre lat ivity b etwee n a 
Fron t ier Spirit of Industria l Design ers and 
Nationa l Competitiven ess 
Under wha t econ omic circumstances a re we 
at present7 
lt is too sh ocking a chance to ascribe i ts 
cause to me r ely by acc id e n t' . Who can 
have imagined being forced to be supported 
by I.M.F. just on the eve of the age of the 
n at ion a l a nnu a l in come per cap ita $ 
10 ,000 , the number of cars 10, 000 , 000 , 
and the number of h ouses 10.000.0007 The 
hands of a c lock in Korean hi sto ry has been 
turned ten years backwards . For the pa s t 
s ix mon th s o[ I. M. F. system our everyday 
l i[e has b een comp lete ly ch anged . Our 
li ving standard has become that of ten 
years ago just as a reel of film is forced to 
be rewound speedil y. A simple dream o[ the 
age of th e n a tion a l a nnua l in come p e r 
ca pi ta $ 10 , 000 h as in a momen t b een 
t ransfo rmed into a disappoin t ing dream of 
the age of $ 6 , 000 , the level at th e end of 
t h e e ig h t ies. Wh at w i t h mass 
unemploymen t , high prices of commodi t ies . 
sa la ry r edu c ti on and slump in pri ces of 
houses , na tional assets has dwindl ed just 
as it has thawed. Accordingly , s uch myths 
as full employmen t , lifelong jobs and real 
estate myth , b y-products of hi gh - degree 
growth have disa ppeared . If we should fa il 
in restru cturing governmen t and industries. 
it will result in: unch a n geable n a tiona l 
ann ua l income per capi ta $ 5,000, economic 
growth ra te minus or 1 % level, h igh prices 
of commoditi es in c reasing by more than 
5%. high unemploymen t rate 7% or so. lf 
we fa il in or delay our rest ructuring th em, 
i t is ha rd for us to look on the brigh ter side 
of our economic si tuat ions . It is r eported 
that we have been su ffe ring f rom the worst 
economic cri s is a fter Korean War. that is 
we a re now leading ou r lives supported by 
In consequence , the purpose o[ thi s s tudy 
is to p rese n t so me ways to r e infor ce 
nation a l compet it ive n ess de rived f r om a 
f ron tier s pi r it o[ indust ri a l design pionee rs , 
which I be li eve can be the Wisdom of 
So lomon' wi th whi ch we can ti d e ove r 
nat iona l economic cri s is a n d survive the 
cold wave. Besides , at present wh en we a re 
be ing s u ppor te d by I. M.F . , t his study in 
pursu it o[ beau ty from the smalr trying to 
th ink smal l, n ot big, is in tended to presen t 
some ways as a philosoph y of design so as 
to overcome the tide of being f orced to be 
suppor te d by I. M. F 
The fo llowings are demonstrated according 
to the purpose of this study : First , as far 
as histor ical backgrounds of indust ri a l 
d esign a nd p ioneers’ fronti e r s pirit are 
concern ed , th ey are analyzed fo cus ing on 
how the United States of America t ided over 
internat ional economic panics occurring in 
the twenti es . Second , as fa r as the pursu it 
0 1' the turning point of industrial design is 
concerned , they are th oroughly investigated 
a nd analyzed ce n te r in g arou nd the 
standpo in ts of ergonomics and eco logy of 
industria l design . Third , In other to ins pire 
self-confidence of we-can-do-it keeping it in 
mind that nationaI competitiveness wholly 
depends upon d es ig n. 1 would like to 
emphas ize t he importa nce of industrial 
d es ign attac hing importan ce to t h e 
settlement of th e q u est ion s . Why does 
national economy or existence of en te rprises 
depend on d es ign? Wh y do we ha ve to 
compete with other coun t ries in design?