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국내 사보디자인에 있어서 Macintosh의 효과적 활용에 관한 연구/131-144 | |||
글쓴이 | 최윤선 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 13:11:50 |
첨부파일 | 국내 사보디자인 제작에 있어서 Macintosh 의 효과적 활용에 관한연구- 최윤선.pdf | ||
내용 | 국내 사보디자인에 있어서 Macintosh의 효과적 활용에 관한 연구 최 윤 선 협성 대 학교 ---------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT With t he popularzation of computers in the multimedia age. The tools and medods of designing have changed. As a result, we are epected to change our sense of values and ways of thanking. D esigning can be carried out in mdre diverse and effective ways if we are able to use computers. which is quite different from the old way of designing by hand. To design more efficiently and easily in this period of transition from hand designing to computers, a through education in the use of computers in necessary. Schools and companies should also have the nesessary computer systems The in-house periodicals that many companies publish could not be effective in enhancing the company image, if too much emphasis were placed on content dver design, or, conversely. on design over content. In most compaines, editors of in-house peridicals are trained in journalism, and tend to commission outsiders for design.The outsiders, however. Are ofen unable to being out the unique characterristics of the company. Companies should take more interrest in the process of planning and publishing in-house peridicals and provide greater support for the publications. Rather than commissioning outsiders to do the job together with the planners and editors. If the designers and planners have to work separately. they should come together at some point to coordinate their opinions and work out compromises to raise the quality of the in-house peridical. 1 would like to make several proposals for the publication of an in-house periodical that befits the multi-media age. First. D esigners should study various in-house publications and work hard to publish a periodical that not only offers interresting articles but also has a unique character which distinguishes ii from all other similar publications. Second. Designers should learn the complete users of the Macintosh computer so that they know various ways to design in-house publications. Third. To train and produce excellent designers. schools and companies should be equipped with all the necessary computer systems. Fourth. The design of in -house publications should be fu ture-orien ted. Fifth. In the age of globalization. in-house publications should be designed in such a way that they could bring out images that are uniquely Korean. Sixth. Ordinary periodicals are published for profit, but in-house publications are aimed mostly at helping the marketing team of ihc company indirectly by heigh tening the image of the company. In t his respect. in-house publications should be interesting both in content and design.They should also help raise the productivity and efficiency of all the employees and promote the smooth operalion of the company while preseting a good image of the company io ihe outside the world |