◈ 논문열람
최근 광고산업에 나타난 비쥬얼 스캔들에 관한 연구/103-114 | |||
글쓴이 | 최귀영,김경민 | 날 짜 | 2006-03-01 13:11:25 |
첨부파일 | 最近廣告塵業에 나타난 비쥬얼스캔들에 關한 冊究-최귀영 김경민.pdf | ||
내용 | 최근 광고산업에 나타난 비쥬얼 스캔들에 관한 연구 최 귀 영· 김 경 민 서 울산업 대 학교 - 대원전문대 ---------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT We cannot get along even a day without coming in touch with hundreds of thousands of advertising images in this advertising age in which we are attracted less by complicated logical languages than brief visual language images. Though these advertising messages remain in our memory or escape our memory. at any rate, we get the messages for a moment when we take a sight of them. These messages also stimulate our imagination by recalling something to our mind or by letting us expect something. If the aim of advertising is to sell products 01 services by letting people feel dissatisfied with their present ways of living at the sight of the advertising, it goes without saying that the advertising should be differentitated in one way or another in consideration of the fact that too much similar products are on the market recently. A technique of visual scandal in forms of advertising expression is being used as one of differentiation methods. In consequence, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the developmen t of visual design characterized by sym bols through visual (jncluding computer graphic) the eyes of the masses can grasp through cases of visual scandal represented by recent advertising industry. |